Kerr County FCU FAQ List

  • In accordance with Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act, applicants for new accounts are requested to provide current picture identification that verifies identity including name, address and other identifying information. In some cases, identification will be requested for current members if ordinal documentation was not obtained with the opening of the account. In all cases, protection of our members’ identity and confidentiality is our pledge to you. We proudly support all efforts to protect and maintain the security of our members and our country.

  • You may apply for a loan as soon as you become a member. There are no membership time requirements for loan qualifying.

  • To add a member you will need to complete a new signature card, which you and the joint member sign where indicated. To remove a joint member, all joint members of the account need to agree to the removal, or the account can be closed and remaining joint members may open a new account.

  • Payroll deduction is an agreement between you and your employer. Payroll deduction change forms are available from your employer or credit union. When changing deductions, remember to indicate the total amount you want deducted from your check and forwarded to the credit union.

  • Safe – Your paycheck is protected against loss or theft.

    Worry-free – Now you can be assured that your check is deposited, even when you are away from home.

    Saves time – You no longer have to make special trips to the credit union or stand in long lines on payday.

    Convenient – No more waiting for the mailman. Your deposits will be made for you automatically, allowing you to set your own timetable for getting cash.